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  4. #7000045788: 3M™ Rubber Cushion Polishing Wheel 45131, 1-1/2 in x1-1/2 in x 1/4 in, 1 per case


3M™ Rubber Cushion Polishing Wheel 45131, 1-1/2 in x1-1/2 in x 1/4 in, 1 per case
Your Price: $5.41
Retail Price:$6.47
You Save:$1.06(16%)
Part Number: 3M-7000045788
Our 3M™ Rubber Cushion Polishing Wheel is a mechanically expandable rubber cushion wheel available in a diameters from 0.25 to 3 inches. This wheel safely keeps abrasive bands and belts from slipping during use. Use with your 3M™ die grinder for creating fine finishes on a variety of substrates.